Donations to be made to:
Account Number: 06 8000 468 998 001
Account Name : sri jinananda childrnes Home
Seylan Bank, Wellawatta. Branch, 391, Galle Road, Wellawatte, Colombo, Sri Lanka. SWIFT CODE - SEYBLKLX
Please feel free to contact us and find out as to how you can help us!
Donors can pay for a meal (breakfast, lunch, tea or dinner), or can bring in a cooked meal. Dry rations are also welcomed.
School supplies
Stationary, books, reading material, sporting equipment etc can be donated to the centre.
Old or new clothes, school uniforms, school uniform fabric are much needed at the centre as the boys are constantly growing, in size and in numbers!
The centre is still in need of funding to complete its building projects. The centre is being completed in sections.
Your time!
The boys enjoy learning new things—dance, music, art, languages. |